Have not been writing in this blog for long now.Spend a lot of time there the most of us (most)spend time.What is left of the web monopol Facebook.Is like the middle of everything.But I can be there to.Beacuse of the alternatives.
And art is on the places as before since long ago.
And cant see any important buisness missing there.....Seen any important place not linking with a share to facebook..no is the answer.So its have been a must for all the world to be there.Our gouvernment pay them money to start up servers and such.And as a artist I have all my friends there,and they I like to meet.And a woman,artist I cant stand the fact that people see my as that swede......just laughing as the latest thing.A person in the gouvernment eating a cake that is horrible.A black naked woman crying and she eats of the vagina.And laughing.........google the cake artist for this performance.Must we be nr 1 at odd things always.Than call it intellectual...once maybe this was COOl...with"depressive" our pride Ingemar Bergman.So buy one of my art work.....and dont get upset.....Feel the love and the adorable feeling of calmness..See You